Monday, September 13, 2010

2010 Food Stamp Challenge Day 1

Today is the first day of my 2010 Food Stamp Challenge and although it will no doubt be easier this year since I know what to expect, it's not an experience I'm looking forward to. The objectives for me are the same as last year: increase my firsthand knowledge of eating on a budget so I can better serve our clients and raise awareness about the food insecurity our clients face. Food Insecurity is a very real issue, right here in St. Louis, MO although you won't see any 3 am TV programs on it and there isn't a gaggle of celebrities doing PR for it.

As for me: Breakfast is always the easiest meal of the day for me because I usually eat oatmeal and today was no different. Lunch is the hardest. Today was the weekly Monday lunch at Food Outreach. This program is designed to provide a restaurant experience for our clients so at least once a week they can still feel as though they still get to go out to eat. Instead of stuffed sole, hushpuppies, and a decadent dessert, I had tuna salad sandwich, a yogurt, and an apple. Dinner will likley be more of the same for me as I have a meeting and won't feel like preparing anything by the time I get home. To be clear, I certainly don't feel sorry for myself as I'm only doing this a week; our clients have no end in sight, I have cast iron stomach; our clients battle numerous GI issues associated with the treatments/meds, and I'm not battling a life-threatening disease and unfortunately, ALL of our clients are.

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